I haven't found much time to blog right before and after I gave birth. Most specially after I gave birth. Hell, sometimes I don't even have time to take a five - minute shower. And when I do have the time, I'd just be downright exhausted. It takes a lot of getting used to, late night, poop wiping, baby handling - the like.
I've never really had that much experience. I was ten years old when my youngest brother was born, and he had a yaya (and two other house helps), so I really didn't care much and I don't have nieces or nephews. So I guess I had to start from scratch. Add the fact that my mom just visits every two weeks (she works in Davao), and that my baby doesn't have a yaya, let's just say that parenthood has been quite experimental. Lucky that I'm a big reader, so I spent my whole third trimester reading baby books, visiting baby sites, which in turn lead to me visiting baby products sites (where I found myself impulsively buying). But again, the fact is, I was completely clueless about the whole pregnancy, childbirth and baby care thing, but did what I had to - read.
So I've made it through the pregnancy and childbirth stage (thank God I didn't die..hehe). And when it comes to bringing up my baby, I think I'm faring pretty well.
I guess before I begin with everything there is with regards to mothering a kid, I'll probably start telling you about October 2 then.
Hopeful and Thankful
11 years ago
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