Anyway, this is the first post that I've written after a long hiatus from the blogging world. And this is the first piece of writing that is personally relevant to me that I've written in a long time now. So I write this out of my own accord, because my heart is wrenched. But let's talk about the details later.
Today is spectacularly spectacular (wink, wink). Mubo ko ug kalipay. I don't have work, and I get to lounge around, lie in bed, drink tons of water, eat lots of vegetables and tofu. Haha, I'm kidding. But yes, I don't have work and I will spend this by:
- Giving myself a super pampering treatment rivaling those from spas. This treatment will include a mud pack, a total body scrub, a good leg (and other unmentionable body parts) shaving, hot oil treatment, facial regimen and total body moisturizing. But of course, I'll be doing them myself. Why spend when you can save? :)
- Watching TV - MTV, Channel V and CNN. RIP MJ all over!
- Listening to my MJ playlist.
- NOT surfing the net. NOT turning on the computer.
Call him anything you want - he has (and will always be) an icon of my childhood. I grew up listening and singing (yes! I used to sing) to his music. I am sad not only because of his demise, but because along with his death, a huge part of my childhood went along with him.
Farewell king of pop, and thank you for the wonderful music - your music will always be wonderful, and your memory will never be lost forever.
I didn't have enough guts to view this video. First MJs death and now this? Too much for this week already.
Neda Agha Soltan drew international attention when the video of her death circulated through the internet. She was shot during the 2009 Iranian election protests. Neda died on the streets while her friend tried to comfort her and make her last moments on earth at least bearable. Onlookers could do nothing but just stand and look helplessly.
Neda, may you find peace wherever you are. You are the voice of the young and the oppressed and those who rise to stand up peacefully for their rights. May your death inspire people to not be afraid to believe and stand up for their rights and demand justice.
Which also brings me to the question: How many other innocent people die this way each day? I have no idea, but my heart also goes out for each and everyone of them, Nedas in their own way.
And lastly, The EVIL NANNY VIDEO
I saw this video in Facebook. I was brought to tears while watching the nanny kick, stomp and abuse the little girl in the video. Through the research that I have gathered, the incident happened in Indonesia during 2007.
The parents of the poor little girl suspected that their child was being abused by her nanny, so they hid a spy camera to find out if their speculations were true. And they were. They were brutally and insanely true. The nanny was sentenced to two years in prison (WTF, 2 years!?!?).
How many children go through the same thing? How many children go through worse? What about those children who have no parents to install hidden cameras and file cases in court?
How many parents leave their houses and return at the end of the day not knowing the horrors that their children face with their "care" givers? How many children experience these things not only from their caregivers, but even from their parents?
This incident happened two years ago, and I wonder where the child is and how she is doing now. I hope she is well.
As a mother, I can only imagine how the child's mother must have felt when she watched the video. And as a mother, I can only pray that this horror never happens to my daughter - and to any other innocent and helpless child out there in the world.
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