he calls me his angel, and our baby his lil angel. he keeps his cool whenever i go wild over small little things (he has kept his cool ever since) and keeps me grounded whenever i get too crazy and start to say or do mean things (or both). he tells me when i become too much and he understands me fully. i have had mood swings waaaaay before my pregnancy. and he's fine with me being a pain in the as*.
he shares my excitement for the baby and understands my desire for avent feeding bottles or other imported ones because he also wants to make sure it's BPA free and helps reduce colic (aside from the fact that it's sosyal), strollers with carriers and car seats that go over the four digit price range, cribs that come with dressing tables/removable bassinets/mosquito nets, baby clothes and shoes that are absolutely unecessary, baby products x times more expensive than the tried and tested johnson & johnsons. really.
we may not be able buy everything that i've been eyeing on, craving for and researching about, because we really can't afford them - but the fact that he understands, doesn't complain and actually agrees that we need them for the baby because he also wants the best - makes him a really great dad to be.
he accompanies me to the baby's section of the department store just because i like to ogle at recieving blankets and white onesies and wet tissues and bathtubs and diapers. he holds my hand when we walk and reminds me to drink my milk at night. he has been there for every doctor's visit and shares his opinion about every doctor/hospital/clinic we've been to. he slices the vegetables when i cook dinner because i get achy feet from too much standing up. he leniently gives in to my cravings but then reminds me that i shouldn't eat/drink soda too much. he offers to go walking with me daily. he massages my back and my feet when they begin to ache.
he takes care of me. and i see him filled with excitement everyday as he waits for the baby. i see him try to be better for me, i see him try to be better for our lil angel. he may be nervous and he may have second thoughts - that i do not know because he never shows it. we're going through the scariest and the most uncertain thing in the world, but he remains calm and steadfast. he understands that we can't just get married even if people tell us to - because we need to finish school. when i panic, he tells me to relax and take things a step at a time.
and he is quitting smoking.
he understands that i need to have ME TIME some times (though i never return the favor and throw tantrums when he tries to go out). he kisses my forehead before he goes home and tells me to take care of our lil angel. and he wishes us both good night, as if the baby was already here. and he still finds pretty and sexy even with a thirty - three inch waist line, a bigger bum and flabbier arms (or at least he says so. hehehe.)
these are just a few great things out of a million about him. my cococ. my bear, who constantly assures me i'll still be his baby even if we'll be having a baby soon. (lol. insecure na ko.)
pregnancy often poses a lot of uncertainties, specially for the mother-to-be. we remain financially dependent on family, and career wise - we have none because we're still students; but when it comes to him being a good partner and dad, i'm not afraid because i'm more than sure. i know him and he knows himself, and he'll be great with our lil angel. we may not be starting out with much and although there aren't any definite plans, aside from finishing school, but seeing him grow and try to be better for us makes me know that he is man enough to take on his responsibilty - and on any given day he can and will take care of us. things are going to be great. =)
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