we're pregnant. 5 months and 3 days.
i think that line sounds better than saying i'm pregnant, because i think Cococ is as much a part of this pregnancy as i am. see, i've been thinking of blogging about this whole pregnancy since day 1 (okay, not necessarily day one - but on the day we found out.) that was febuary 3, 2007 and we were one month and two weeks pregnant.
but as unplanned pregnancies usually go, cococ and i had to deal with the stresses that went with it. that meant early stages of denial ("no i cannot be pregnant, i'm still 19 and i haven't gaduated yet!!"), confirming the pregnancy by ourselves (3 more pregnancy tests that still gave us the double lines) and episodes of panic ("how will we tell our parents?" "what will everyone think?" "what will the baby eat?"), which meant blogging about this flew out and became the last thing on my mind. that five months have been quite difficult and stressful, - but be managed to pull through, a WHOLE LOT shaken but really okay.
after 5 months, we have:
- confirmed the pregnancy through 4 pregnancy tests in one week.
- visited the doctor and determined the baby's age through TVS (the doctor had a hard time determining the baby's EDD because my belly was smaller than the normal 16 week size - as estimated. it turned out that we were just 12 weeks pregnant.)
- seen the baby for the first time at 12 weeks. it finally confirmed that there this lil angel inside me. hearing his/her heartbeat was sooOo awesome and seeing cococ smile, almost crying, like he was a little boy who got a million presents for christmas was the best thing in the world.
- told our families (mixed emotions, mixed reactions. but they all got over and accepted it - we hope.)
- visited other doctors to find the one i'd be most comfortable with.
- had me tested for my blood type, and for gestational diabetes, hepatitis b and syphilis (all turned out negative. tg.)
- started exercising (which is more like malling.)
- started to feel baby (although lil angel's movements are still sporadic, and aren't too strong for cococ to feel them yet.)
and lastly, we have learned to relax, kick back and enjoy the pregnancy and wait until the baby arrives.
we may have had this unplanned, we may have initially dissappointed a lot of people (for that - we apologize), we may have to set our lives, dreams and opportunities back a little bit because of this but it's here now. our lil angel will be arriving in four months and despite the fears and uncertainties - we're really happy and we're hoping for the best.
we remain grateful to our parents - my mom, dad, his mom, our families for accepting the situation with understanding, love and support. we hope the baby will bring hoping them all joy.
we pray that our baby's gonna be healthy, that things are gonna be okay, and that despite the sharp twist and turns and the shortcomings, we know that going through this whole experienceour baby's going to inspire us to become better people.
so there. i finally posted our first baby blog.
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ei guys, as in???... :) CONGRATZzz..... really happy for both of you... good luck and just be strong always... God Bless... mwah... :)
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
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