And I was supposed to put this on my BLOG , but Lord knows nobody visits that - so this, here, is more appropriate. Consider this as my big fat hug.
Oh I'd love to put your names..every little detail, down to your number on the results list. But the fear of missing out some names has stopped me from doing so. Oh well, your names are HERE and that's what matters.
You've made it. After the sleepless nights and..well, what have I got to say, I've never been there. But everything has paid off. Perhaps I feel strongly about this because I might have been one of you (LOL), or then again, I might have flunked at 2nd year, or 3rd year - or the licensure exam at that! But the thing is, you made it. And as happy as I was this lunchtime, browsing through the results, seeing your names - I know my happiness does not measure to the joy you guys now feel.
To my dear newly registered nurse friends from five, six, seven and eight years back in high school, mostly from 4 - Mayer, Regis and Taegon. To those I've met along corridors or have exchanged smiles with. Gradeschool buddies from Lourdes College Grade School. 1st Year Nursing Blockmates (NJ) and some sister blockmates, people I've exchanged nods with at XU and Crusader Yearbook Buddies (and you all resigned because you were busy!). To all those I've tagged, and to those I haven't..To you..all of you.
My heart joins the collective beating of your hearts, a beat so fast it becomes a tune to dance to, a sound so loud it resonates throughout the whole universe.
No words can explain how proud and how happy I am for you guys. Congratulations and lots of love to you all!
Hopeful and Thankful
11 years ago
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