I have never been a fan of the rock scene - or the Pinoy rock scene at that. My music IQ is so low. I'm stuck with basic guitar, futile piano attempts and post grunge alternative of the mid - nineties (which is way past my age) and classical music for Hillarie. So I didn't really know who Anabel Bosch was - until yesterday when I came across the Inquirer's Sunday Magazine. It was lying on the dining table, along with the rest of the newspaper sections and the tabloids my father buys daily.
I actually just took it with me to the to the toilet (Lord knows - like my mom and my brother - I HAVE TO READ in the toilet), when I came across her picture. Her back to the camera, revealing those big, blue wings. Ah - just another one of them rock ladies, I surmised. I didn't even read the article.
I brought the magazine with me to the room, to show Cococ the tattoo (and then this one: Lord knows I've been dying to get a tattoo since twelve). Because he was still playing poker on Facebook (therefore I could not work because he was hogging the laptop), I had no choice but to lay down beside my sleeping little Hillarie and read the article. And lo, did I just realize that it was actually a tribute, an obituary of some sort - well written and moving. And the article lead to another thing, and then another, and another. Instead of finishing the Ebook I was writing (on Mothers Going Back To Work), I visited Anabel's Blog, read a couple of posts, watched some youtube videos, did some Google searches..
..and found beauty.
How can I say this without sounding like a fanatic? (teehee). Her blog burns with her spirit..I cannot begin to say how much I love her blog, I love how every piece and every word just oozes with soul. How everything sounds so simple and so honest. I have always been a voracious reader, and I have always been choosy with what I read - but I will continue visiting her blog until I have read every single post.
Why? Is it because she writes so well? Is it because I see part of myself in what she has written, or a part of who I think she was? Is it because her voice is awesome (sorry, running out of adjectives). Maybe because secretly, in my past life I have always dreamed of becoming a rock star. I have no idea. And I don't really care. You see, that's what goddesses do, they touch lives of people - even those they don't know. Even when they aren't around anymore.
So there. I'm halfway done with my Ebook and the deadline's tomorrow. And I stopped to write this blog post.
Anabel, you are beautiful. =)
Hopeful and Thankful
11 years ago
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